Melanoma: Learn Your ABC's of Skin Health

Did you know that when skin can­cer is detect­ed ear­ly, the 5‑year sur­vival rate for melanoma is 99%? Under­stand­ing the risk fac­tors, warn­ing signs and steps for iden­ti­fy­ing melanoma is the best way to detect this skin can­cer ear­ly when it is most treatable. 

What is melanoma?

  • Melanoma is a can­cer of the melanocytes, pig­ment-pro­duc­ing skin cells.
  • It most com­mon­ly occurs on the skin; how­ev­er, may also be found in the eyes, ears, GI tract, cen­tral ner­vous sys­tem, and the oral and gen­i­tal mucous membranes.
  • Melanoma is the most com­mon can­cer in women aged 25 – 29 years and is sec­ond only to breast can­cer in women aged 30 – 34 years.
  • This can­cer is more like­ly to occur in areas that are less often exposed and more fre­quent­ly burned, such as the backs of men and the legs of women.
  • Melanoma can be fatal if it is neglect­ed; there­fore, ear­ly detec­tion and prompt removal of melanoma can save a life.
  • While Melanoma is rare in peo­ple of col­or, they are 4 times more like­ly to be diag­nosed with advanced stages of skin cancer. 

What are skin can­cer risk factors?

  • If you are old­er than 20 years of age, espe­cial­ly if you are over 60
  • Hav­ing 5 or more sun­burns dou­bles your risk for melanoma
  • A fair com­plex­ion, inabil­i­ty to tan, and a his­to­ry of sun­burns, espe­cial­ly blis­ter­ing sunburns
  • Numer­ous moles, chang­ing moles, or a his­to­ry of atyp­i­cal moles
  • A per­son­al or fam­i­ly his­to­ry of Melanoma (first-degree relative)

What are the warn­ing signs of melanoma?

  • New, chang­ing, or unusu­al moles (Most moles appear by age 30, but adults can devel­op new ones through­out adulthood)
  • Moles that become symp­to­matic (itch­ing, burn­ing, painful)
  • An ini­tial slow hor­i­zon­tal growth phase (the mole appears to grow wider on the skin’s sur­face). If untreat­ed, this will be fol­lowed by a ver­ti­cal growth phase which indi­cates inva­sive dis­ease with poten­tial metas­ta­sis. The prog­no­sis is based on the thick­ness of the tumor

Where should I look for skin cancer? 

When check­ing for melanoma, it’s impor­tant to exam­ine your entire body, as skin can­cer can appear any­where, not just in areas exposed to the sun. Here’s a gen­er­al guide on where to look:

  • Face, Head, and Neck: Includ­ing the scalp, which can be checked by part­ing your hair in sec­tions. Don’t for­get behind your ears and the back of your neck.
  • Upper Body: In the mir­ror, check the front and back of your body, as well as the sides under your arms.
  • Arms and Hands: Look at the tops and under­sides of your arms and hands, includ­ing between the fin­gers and under the fingernails.
  • Legs and Feet: Exam­ine all sides of your legs, and remem­ber the feet, the soles, and the spaces between your toes and under your toenails.
  • Back and But­tocks: Use a hand-held mir­ror to check areas that are hard to see, like your back and buttocks.
  • For indi­vid­u­als with dark­er skin tones, melanoma can appear on non-exposed areas such as the palms, soles, under fin­ger­nails or toe­nails, and inside the mouth or nose.

Per­form a Month­ly Self Skin Examination

It’s impor­tant to check your­self or have your part­ner check your skin, on a month­ly basis. This will help you famil­iar­ize your­self with the moles and marks on your skin and more eas­i­ly iden­ti­fy any new changes or growths. Check for the ABCDEs of Melanoma: 

ABCDEs of melanoma detection

A” is for Asym­me­try- A mole in which one half does not match the other

B” is for irreg­u­lar Bor­ders- A mole with a scal­loped or poor­ly defined borders

C” is for Col­or — A mole that con­sists of mul­ti­ple shades of black, brown, white, red, and/​or blue

D” is for Diam­e­ter — A mole that has a diam­e­ter larg­er than that of a pen­cil eras­er (approx­i­mate­ly 6mm)

E” is for Evo­lu­tion — A mole whose size, shape or col­or changes over time. Evo­lu­tion is the most impor­tant ABCDE you can look for dur­ing an at-home self-skin exam­i­na­tion. Noti­fy your der­ma­tol­o­gist for any mole you believe has been evolv­ing or changing.

See your der­ma­tol­o­gist and report any lesion that has changed from your pre­vi­ous appoint­ment or is bleed­ing or not heal­ing, espe­cial­ly if it lasts longer than one month. 

Don’t for­get! Apply broad-spec­trum SPF 30 or greater to all exposed areas of skin dai­ly. Reap­ply every 90 – 120 min­utes when out­side. Wear hats, sun­glass­es, and Ultra­vi­o­let Pro­tec­tion Fac­tor (UPF) clothing.

    If you are due for your annu­al skin exam or find a sus­pi­cious spot, sched­ule an appoint­ment online with a der­ma­tol­o­gist near you.

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