Women's Health

What to Expect at Your Pre-Natal Doctor's Appointments


Preg­nan­cy is an excit­ing time in a wom­an’s life, but under­stand­ing your grow­ing baby’s mile­stones and what to expect at each appoint­ment can be over­whelm­ing. To help keep you and your baby healthy through­out your preg­nan­cy, be sure to check out our appoint­ments guide which out­lines what to expect dur­ing the many pre-natal vis­its to the doc­tor’s office from now until your baby comes.

7 Routine Exams For Women

Do you work full-time? Are you also a full-time mom? For many women, find­ing time for per­son­al things you need to do can be dif­fi­cult. And whether you like it or not, vis­it­ing the doc­tor for your year­ly exam may be some­thing that gets pushed to the side when you are short on time. How­ev­er, your year­ly exam is impor­tant. Through reg­u­lar health screen­ings, your physi­cian can iden­ti­fy prob­lems at an ear­ly stage when they are most treat­able. A physi­cian per­form­ing a phys­i­cal exam can find things you don’t or can’t notice your­self. So make an appoint­ment, and get checked regularly!