DuPage Medical Group Hires Chief Operating Officer to Lead Southern Region

January 30, 2017

DOWN­ERS GROVE, Ill. - DuPage Med­ical Group, the largest inde­pen­dent, mul­ti-spe­cial­ty physi­cian group in the Chica­go area, has hired David Spac­carel­li as chief oper­at­ing offi­cer for its south­ern region. Cur­rent COO Den­nis Fine will remain in his posi­tion, focus­ing on the north­ern region. 

With 15 years of health­care man­age­ment expe­ri­ence, Spac­carel­li will over­see the oper­a­tions of the South region, includ­ing the inte­gra­tion of sev­er­al physi­cian groups in Will and Cook Coun­ties that have recent­ly joined DMG. In this role, he will lead clin­i­cal inte­gra­tion and pro­mote DMG’s pro­gres­sive mod­el of care focused on qual­i­ty, effi­cien­cy and access. 

Spac­carel­li will pro­vide strate­gic over­sight of prac­tice oper­a­tions while sup­port­ing col­lab­o­ra­tion among med­ical staff and part­ner­ing with DMG physi­cians to eval­u­ate oppor­tu­ni­ties for con­tin­ued qual­i­ty and effi­cien­cy improvements. 

David’s lead­er­ship expe­ri­ence is impres­sive, not only because of his exper­tise with the busi­ness aspect of merg­ers, but also his under­stand­ing of the human equa­tion,” says DMG CEO Mike Kasper. He has gen­uine com­pas­sion for the way in which care is deliv­ered, and he is com­mit­ted to ensur­ing we inte­grate oper­a­tions of our south­ern region sites in a man­ner that enhances the expe­ri­ence for all of our patients. At the same time, David puts a pre­mi­um on account­abil­i­ty, respect and excel­lence and will be a great asset in help­ing fos­ter DMG’s cul­ture and values.” 

Pre­vi­ous­ly, Spac­carel­li served as region­al vice pres­i­dent of oper­a­tions for Deer­field-based Sur­gi­cal Care Affil­i­ates, one of the coun­try’s largest providers of out­pa­tient surgery. He has exten­sive expe­ri­ence with merg­ers, joint ven­ture part­ner­ships and inte­grat­ing health care operations. 

Spac­carel­li is also an active com­mu­ni­ty vol­un­teer, serv­ing as a men­tor for Big Broth­ers Big Sis­ters, and works with the Holy Fam­i­ly Surgery Cen­ter, a non­prof­it group that pro­vides crit­i­cal sur­gi­cal solu­tions for patients and fam­i­lies in Honduras. 

We look for­ward to col­lab­o­rat­ing with David and DMG’s man­age­ment team to enhance the qual­i­ty of care that our physi­cians across the South­ern region deliv­er today,” says Dr. Abdul Sankari, pres­i­dent of Heart­land Car­dio­vas­cu­lar Cen­ter, which joined DMG in Novem­ber 2016 and pro­vides key over­sight in DMG’s south region. Our part­ner­ship will give us the abil­i­ty to add more advanced ser­vices, and patients will have access to addi­tion­al spe­cial­ties and cut­ting-edge technology.” 

About DuPage Med­ical Group

With more than 600 physi­cians and in more than 75 loca­tions, DuPage Med­ical Group is the largest inde­pen­dent, mul­ti-spe­cial­ty physi­cian group in the Chica­go area, pro­vid­ing physi­cian-direct­ed health care focused on qual­i­ty, effi­cien­cy and access. For more infor­ma­tion, vis­it www​.duly​healthand​care​.com.