What to Expect from Duly Endocrinology

Wel­come to Duly Endocrinol­o­gy! Our team is ready to part­ner with you to address your endocrine needs. But first, here are some items to be aware of:

The Endocrinol­o­gy Care Team: Our depart­ment uti­lizes both physi­cians and advanced prac­tice nurs­es (APNs). Our APNs are specif­i­cal­ly trained in endocrinol­o­gy and super­vised by our physi­cians. You may rotate between your physi­cian and an APN for fol­low up visits. 

Med­ica­tion refills: Please allow 3 busi­ness days to process refills. In some cas­es, it may take longer if we are wait­ing for a response from insur­ance. Reg­u­lar and peri­od­ic vis­its as instruct­ed by your provider are nec­es­sary for ongo­ing med­ica­tion refills. 

Noti­fi­ca­tion regard­ing lab results: Labs done at a Duly lab will post to Duly My Chart pri­or to provider review. Please allow 3 busi­ness days for the provider to review these before call­ing. Providers may wait until all labs are result­ed pri­or to reach­ing out to you. This can take sev­er­al days. Duly MyChart will be the pre­ferred method of com­mu­ni­ca­tion unless not­ed otherwise.

Dia­bet­ic patients: please come 10 min­utes ear­ly and bring your meter/​pump/​CGM so that we can have time to down­load it. This is essen­tial to opti­miz­ing your vis­it as well as your care. 

Can­cel­la­tion and No Shows: In order to pro­vide you with the most effec­tive vis­it pos­si­ble, our providers pre­pare for your vis­it in advance. Con­se­quent­ly, if you are unable to make your sched­uled vis­it, a notice of at least 48 hours is request­ed so that we may accom­mo­date oth­er patients. Fre­quent no shows or can­cel­la­tions less than 24 hours in advance can place you at risk of being dis­missed from the depart­ment and/​or denial of med­ica­tion refills. 

Form com­ple­tion: Please allow 5 busi­ness days for com­ple­tion of forms (FMLA, patient assis­tance, etc).