High Risk Breast Clinic

Research has shown that cer­tain health and fam­i­ly his­to­ry fac­tors increase your risk of devel­op­ing breast can­cer. If you are at high risk for breast can­cer, tak­ing advan­tage of cer­tain med­ical options may detect can­cer at an ear­li­er stage – or decrease your risk for devel­op­ment of breast can­cer. The team at Duly Health and Care’s High Risk Breast Clin­ic pro­vides com­pre­hen­sive breast can­cer screen­ing, genet­ic risk eval­u­a­tion and coun­sel­ing for you if you are at increased risk of breast can­cer. Togeth­er we can help you to be proac­tive in your breast health. 

At your first appoint­ment, you will com­plete a detailed ques­tion­naire about your per­son­al and fam­i­ly health his­to­ry and receive a phys­i­cal exam. The team will work with you to sug­gest a com­pre­hen­sive care plan that is right for you.
Your ini­tial vis­it will last approx­i­mate­ly one hour and include:

  • A clin­i­cal breast exam
  • Review of your med­ical and fam­i­ly history
  • Your risk and risk reduc­ing strate­gies available
  • Infor­ma­tion about addi­tion­al pro­grams pro­vid­ed by Duly

Take our assess­ment to deter­mine your risk.