5 Tips to Be a Healthier Mom

Many women strug­gle with the stress and dai­ly tasks of tak­ing care of their fam­i­lies, and tend to neglect them­selves. Take a 5 minute break for your­self and read our 5 tips to help you be a health­i­er mom. If you are already incor­po­rat­ing some of these tips, it will help you learn more about your health and pre­ven­tive care.

5. Don’t regret what you eat! Eat for health, ener­gy and strength. Try not to waste your calo­ries on emp­ty foods (high in sol­id fats and/​or added sug­ars) like chips, cook­ies and soda. Instead focus on lean meats, fruits and veg­eta­bles. Remem­ber it is impor­tant what you do on a reg­u­lar basis, you can cheat once in a while, but try to form con­sis­ten­cy in your dai­ly habits.

4. Re-eval­u­ate your sub­stance use. Try to drink green teas in place of excess caf­feine. Try wine spritzers or non-alco­holic bev­er­ages. Remem­ber, every­thing in mod­er­a­tion. And if you smoke, this is an impor­tant habit to rid your­self of! It will be the most destruc­tive habit to your health long term! Ask your doc­tor for help, they have many resources to help you quit.

3. Increase your dai­ly exer­cise. You don’t have to be a tread­mill war­rior. Start by try­ing to increase the amount of steps you take each day. Wear a pedome­ter or Fit­bit to track your progress. 15 min­utes of exer­cise, when done con­sis­tent­ly, is a great start!

2. Unplug and get more sleep. Turn off the TV, put away your iPad or Kin­dle and get some need­ed Zzzz. Try to get at least 7 hours of sleep each night.

1. Get your year­ly well-woman exam. This gives you a chance to review your immu­niza­tions, check your blood pres­sure, BMI, cho­les­terol and more. Plus, if you are aged 40 or old­er, don’t for­get to get your screen­ing mam­mo­gram. Meet­ing with your doc­tor on an annu­al basis gives you a good check-in” to talk about any­thing else you might be expe­ri­enc­ing with your health. You take your kids in, take your cars in, remem­ber to get your­self in!

At DMG, we know that when it comes to bal­anc­ing fam­i­ly, work and errands, life can get busy. That’s why we’ve designed our herD­MG appoint­ments to be an all-in-one vis­it for women includ­ing a phys­i­cal/well-woman exam, blood work and screen­ing mammogram.

To sched­ule a herD­MG appoint­ment call 1 – 888-MY-DMG-DR.

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