Sleep Safety Guide

How to keep your sleep­ing baby safe

Cre­at­ing a safe sleep envi­ron­ment and devel­op­ing healthy habits play a vital role in keep­ing your baby safe. Fol­low­ing the Amer­i­can Acad­e­my of Pedi­atrics’ rec­om­men­da­tions can pro­tect against sleep-relat­ed risks.

The Risks

All babies under the age of one are at risk for sud­den infant death syn­drome (SIDS). Although the caus­es for SIDS are unknown, it is wide­ly accept­ed that envi­ron­men­tal fac­tors could play a role in keep­ing your baby safe while they are sleep­ing. Low mus­cle devel­op­ment impacts your baby’s abil­i­ty to roll away from objects that could inter­fere with their breath­ing. Here’s what you can do to help cre­ate a safe sleep­ing envi­ron­ment for your baby.

Cre­at­ing a Safe Sleep Environment

Always Place Your Baby on Their Back to Sleep
Place your baby on their back when they are sleep­ing. Lying on their back on a flat sur­face, for naps and overnight, keeps their air­way clear. As your baby ages, their mus­cles will become stronger, allow­ing them to roll from back to front and change positions.

Share a Room with Your Baby
The Amer­i­can Acad­e­my of Pedi­atrics rec­om­mends that babies and care­givers sleep in the same room for the first 1 to 12 months. Sleep­ing in close prox­im­i­ty to your baby allows you to mon­i­tor them more eas­i­ly and reduces the risk of SIDS by as much as 50 percent.

Ensure Your Baby Has His/​Her Own Sleep­ing Space
Your baby hav­ing their own crib, bassinet or even the trend­ing baby box giv­en out by select area hos­pi­tals, reduces the risk of their air­way becom­ing com­pro­mised. The risk of suf­fo­ca­tion, stran­gu­la­tion and entrap­ment is low­er when your baby is in their own sleep­ing space. Please note the use of drop side cribs and sol­id fluffy bumper pads have been banned in Illinois.

Use a Firm Sleep Sur­face with a Fit­ted Sheet
A firm sur­face, such as a crib mat­tress (with a fit­ted sheet) is ide­al. To test its firm­ness, place your baby on the sur­face and pick him or her up after one minute. If there is a dent or impres­sion left, the sur­face is not firm enough for sleep. Soft sur­faces can increase the chance of your baby rolling over onto their stom­ach while sleep­ing. Your baby’s mat­tress should be flush against the side of the crib to ensure that there are no gaps between the mat­tress and the crib walls.

Keep Sleep­ing Area Free From Clut­ter
The area in which your baby is sleep­ing in should be kept free from all clut­ter. Items such as blan­kets, pil­lows, sleep wedges, stuffed toys and bumpers may move as your baby rests, which could obstruct your baby’s air­way. Many par­ents swad­dle their new­born babies to sooth them and sup­port sleep. Swad­dling is a tech­nique where a blan­ket is used to restrict the move­ment in a baby’s arms and legs. Many babies are ready to be weaned from being wrapped in a swad­dle between three and four months of age. Babies who are able to roll over should not be swaddled.

By tak­ing these pre­cau­tion­ary steps, you’ll both get the qual­i­ty rest that you need. For more tips on chil­dren’s health, or to sched­ule an appoint­ment with a pedi­a­tri­cian, please vis­it us online at https://​stag​ing​.dupagemed​ical​group​.pki​apps​.com/​s​e​r​v​i​c​e​s​/​p​e​d​i​a​t​rics/.

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