Dr. Ronjon Paul Trains Surgeons Across Midwest on Latest Lumbar Fusion Procedure

February 12, 2008

Dr. Ron­jon Paul con­duct­ed an eXtreme Lat­er­al Inter­body Fusion (XLIF) train­ing course at the Amer­i­can Acad­e­my of Ortho­pe­dic Sur­geons head­quar­ters in Rose­mont, Illi­nois on Feb­ru­ary 2, 2008. Neu­ro and Spinal Sur­geons were in atten­dance from across the Mid­west to learn from Dr. Paul how the XLIF pro­ce­dure for lum­bar fusion approach­es the spine from the side of the body instead of from the front or back. This approach to the spine is as min­i­mal­ly dis­rup­tive as pos­si­ble and opti­mizes the patients’ recovery.

An accom­plished XLIF sur­geon and an active Soci­ety of Lat­er­al Access mem­ber, Dr. Paul is the most expe­ri­enced XLIF physi­cian with the high­est vol­ume in the Chicagoland area. He is one of the few physi­cians hand select­ed to train in Brazil under the pio­neer of the XLIF pro­ce­dure. Dr. Paul is a proc­tor for the XLIF class­es on the west coast and he also proc­tored sev­er­al local train­ing cours­es for physi­cians in his peer group. He rou­tine­ly has sur­geons vis­it his Oper­at­ing Room to observe the XLIF pro­ce­dures. Dr. Ron­jon Paul prac­tices at The Spine Cen­ter of DuPage Med­ical Group, locat­ed at the Edward Med­ical Physi­cian Cen­ter 120 Spald­ing Dri­ve Naperville, IL, 630 469 9200.