DuPage Medical Group Cardiologist Introduces New Bioresorbable Coronary Stent

October 10, 2016

DOWN­ERS GROVE, Ill. — A car­di­ol­o­gist with DuPage Med­ical Group, the largest inde­pen­dent, mul­ti-spe­cial­ty physi­cian group in the Chica­go area, recent­ly per­formed a pro­ce­dure using a new­ly devel­oped stent that is safe­ly absorbed by the patien­t’s body. 

Dr. Peter Ker­win per­formed the pro­ce­dure on Oct. 4 at Advo­cate Good Samar­i­tan Hos­pi­tal. It is DuPage Coun­ty’s first pro­ce­dure with the Abbott biore­sorbable stent, known as Absorb. 

Approved by the FDA in July, the new device func­tions as a stan­dard stent insert­ed in a blocked artery to restore blood flow. While oth­er stents are typ­i­cal­ly met­al and per­ma­nent, the Absorb does its job then dis­solves com­plete­ly and safe­ly into the patien­t’s body. The result is a more nor­mal-func­tion­ing artery and could result in few­er prob­lems in lat­er years. 

Biore­sorbable coro­nary artery stents rep­re­sent one of the most excit­ing devel­op­ments in the treat­ment of coro­nary artery dis­ease in recent years,” says Ker­win. You no longer need a per­ma­nent implant to treat a tem­po­rary problem.”

Dr. Ker­win cau­tions that the new device may not be appro­pri­ate for all patients, but it rep­re­sents a sig­nif­i­cant advance­ment in the treat­ment of heart dis­ease. Due to tech­nol­o­gy, includ­ing bypass surgery and metal­lic drug coro­nary artery stents, car­di­ol­o­gists have been able to treat coro­nary artery dis­ease more effec­tive­ly, and as a result have seen a mea­sur­able decrease in the risk of dying from heart dis­ease for car­diac patients over the past 30 years. The Absorb stent goes a step fur­ther, as it dis­solves grad­u­al­ly over time, leav­ing a healed artery that can flex and pulse naturally. 

To learn more about the pro­ce­dure or to set up an appoint­ment with Dr. Ker­win in DMG’s car­di­ol­o­gy depart­ment, patients can call 630−435−6100 or sched­ule online by vis­it­ing www​.duly​healthand​care​.com.

About DuPage Med­ical Group

With more than 560 physi­cians and in more than 70 loca­tions, DuPage Med­ical Group is the largest inde­pen­dent, mul­ti-spe­cial­ty physi­cian group in the Chica­go area, pro­vid­ing physi­cian-direct­ed health care focused on qual­i­ty, effi­cien­cy and access. For more infor­ma­tion, vis­it www​.duly​healthand​care​.com.