DuPage Medical Group Designated as UroLift® Center of Excellence

February 19, 2020

DOWN­ERS GROVE, Ill. — DuPage Med­ical Group (DMG), the largest inde­pen­dent, mul­ti-spe­cial­ty physi­cian group in Illi­nois, has announced that urol­o­gists Cameron Jirschele, DO and Craig Smith, MD have achieved the Uro­Lift® Cen­ter of Excel­lence des­ig­na­tion. This pres­ti­gious des­ig­na­tion rec­og­nizes urol­o­gists for their exper­tise in treat­ing patients with the Uro­Lift® Sys­tem and com­mit­ment to pro­vid­ing high qual­i­ty care.

The Uro­Lift Sys­tem is a min­i­mal­ly-inva­sive treat­ment option for patients with Benign Pro­sta­t­ic Hyper­pla­sia (BPH), also known as enlarged prostate. The Uro­Lift Sys­tem treats BPH by using tiny implants to open the path­way that is block­ing the ure­thra. The pro­ce­dure is per­formed on an out­pa­tient basis, often in the physi­cian’s office.

To achieve this des­ig­na­tion, Drs. Jirschele and Smith have com­plet­ed exten­sive BPH and Uro­lift Sys­tem train­ing and have demon­strat­ed their clin­i­cal exper­tise through con­sis­tent pro­ce­dur­al vol­ume and improved patient out­comes. In addi­tion, both physi­cians have improved patient out­comes by 60 per­cent com­pared to base­line average.

We’re hon­ored to receive this recog­ni­tion. We strive to meet our patients’ needs by help­ing them select a treat­ment option that will improve their qual­i­ty of life,” said Dr. Smith. Our patients with BPH often express their desire for symp­tom relief with­out the use of long-term med­ica­tion or surgery. Uro­Lift allows us to ful­fill that need with an effec­tive in-office treatment.”

DMG began offer­ing the Uro­Lift treat­ment for patients in Novem­ber 2017. Drs. Jirschele and Smith are two of only six urol­o­gists in the state of Illi­nois to receive this designation.

As with any pro­ce­dure, Uro­Lift may not be appro­pri­ate for all BPH patients. To learn more about these physi­cians and Uro­lift, vis­it our Urol­o­gy page..

About DuPage Med­ical Group
DuPage Med­ical Group (DMG) is the largest inde­pen­dent, mul­ti-spe­cial­ty physi­cian group in Illi­nois with more than 750 pri­ma­ry care and spe­cial­ty care physi­cians in over 100 sub­ur­ban Chica­go loca­tions. For 20 years, DMG has focused on mak­ing health­care bet­ter for its patients and com­mu­ni­ties by offer­ing high qual­i­ty, com­pas­sion­ate health­care. As a physi­cian-led orga­ni­za­tion, DMG’s physi­cians work togeth­er — uti­liz­ing lead­ing-edge tech­nol­o­gy and inno­v­a­tive treat­ment options — to ensure that each patient receives acces­si­ble and effi­cient healthcare.