DuPage Medical Group Expands Offerings with New Oak Lawn Health Center

June 28, 2021

JUNE 28, 2021, DOWN­ERS GROVE, Ill. — DuPage Med­ical Group (DMG), the largest inde­pen­dent, mul­ti-spe­cial­ty physi­cian group in Illi­nois, is expand­ing its lead­ing edge ser­vices with the open­ing of a new health cen­ter at 4061 West 95th Street in Oak Lawn.

The 42,000 square-foot facil­i­ty con­sol­i­dates DMG’s two exist­ing loca­tions into one state-of-art loca­tion offer­ing patient con­ve­nience across a wide range of health­care ser­vices, includ­ing breast ser­vices, car­di­ol­o­gy, der­ma­tol­ogy, fam­i­ly med­i­cine, an imme­di­ate care cen­ter, inter­nal med­i­cine, lab­o­ra­to­ry ser­vices, orthopaedics, pedi­atrics, phys­i­cal and occu­pa­tion­al ther­a­py, podi­a­try, radi­ol­o­gy and urology. 

The cen­ter is also home to new imme­di­ate care ser­vices to aid with treat­ing con­di­tions, such as abdom­i­nal pain, aller­gic reac­tions, bro­ken bones, cuts, lac­er­a­tions and wounds, fevers, insect and ani­mal bites and uri­nary tract infections. 

The addi­tion of our Oak Lawn health and care cen­ter offers the com­mu­ni­ty greater access to per­son­al­ized, high qual­i­ty health­care,” said Don­na Coop­er, DMG Chief Oper­at­ing Offi­cer. As DMG con­tin­ues to grow, we’re excit­ed to con­tin­ue meet­ing the needs of our patients while build­ing rela­tion­ships that pro­vide a life­time of care.” 

For a full list of the cur­rent ser­vices offered and DMG physi­cians prac­tic­ing at this loca­tion, please click here.

About DuPage Med­ical Group 

Formed in 1999, DuPage Med­ical Group is the largest and most suc­cess­ful inde­pen­dent mul­ti-spe­cial­ty physi­cian group in Illi­nois. Its suc­cess is steeped in the informed direc­tion it receives through a physi­cian-gov­erned clin­i­cal board. DuPage Med­ical Group is led by expe­ri­enced physi­cians and a senior man­age­ment team that has decades of com­bined expe­ri­ence with­in health­care and from diverse orga­ni­za­tions out­side of the indus­try. Through its dis­tinc­tive mod­el, the more than 750 physi­cians and 4500+ asso­ciates advance coor­di­nat­ed care and bring solu­tions to the health­care eco-sys­tem, dri­ving proac­tive and per­son­al­ized health for patients. For more infor­ma­tion, vis­it www​.duly​healthand​care​.com.