Jennie Austin, AuD

Hearing & Audiology

Practices In: Naperville
Patients Seen: All Ages

As an audi­ol­o­gist, I am com­mit­ted to pro­vid­ing patient care cen­tered on respect, com­pas­sion, and patience as we work togeth­er to accom­plish a desired goal that meets the hear­ing health needs of each indi­vid­ual and their family.

Board Certifications
Doctorate in Audiology
English, American Sign Language (ASL)
Clinical Interests

Eva­lu­tion and treat­ment of dif­fer­ent types and degrees of hear­ing loss, Tin­ni­tus, Hyperacusis

Personal Interests

Lis­ten­ing to live music, Get­ting lost in a good book, Find­ing new crock pot recipes for foot­ball season

Fellow of the American Academy of Audiology
Illinois State University Graduation Date: 2006 Degree: BS
Northern Illinois University Graduation Date: 2014 Degree: AuD