Cosmetic Surgery Imaging

Cos­met­ic surgery imag­ing is a tool that allows a physi­cian to demon­strate pro­ject­ed changes on your face using high qual­i­ty pho­tog­ra­phy and equip­ment. We are one of the few facial plas­tic and recon­struc­tive surgery providers in the Chicagoland area who offer this ser­vice as an impor­tant fea­ture of your consultation. 

Dur­ing your con­sul­ta­tion, the cos­met­ic coor­di­na­tor will take your dig­i­tal pho­tos. An imag­ing ses­sion is then sched­uled, at which time the physi­cian mod­i­fies the images and sim­u­lates the poten­tial changes, right there in front of you! 

Of course, the process of chang­ing an image on a com­put­er screen is quite dif­fer­ent from the sur­gi­cal process. We must always con­sid­er indi­vid­ual anato­my, the heal­ing process and the 2 dimen­sion­al nature of the technology. 

With over ten years of expe­ri­ence using this sophis­ti­cat­ed com­put­er imag­ing soft­ware, the goal is not to pro­vide an ide­al­ized image, but to pro­vide you with a real­is­tic and nat­ur­al image of what is possible.