Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS)

An endo­scop­ic ultra­sound (EUS) com­bines video endoscopy and ultra­sonog­ra­phy in order to obtain images and infor­ma­tion about the diges­tive tract and the sur­round­ing tis­sue and organs.

An EUS also allows tis­sue sam­ples to be obtained with a thin nee­dle, called a fine nee­dle aspi­ra­tion (FNA). Tis­sue sam­ples tak­en dur­ing an EUS pro­vide infor­ma­tion about pos­si­ble malig­nan­cies present.

An EUS is used for sev­er­al pur­pos­es includ­ing stag­ing can­cers found in the esoph­a­gus, pan­creas and rec­tum and in the treat­ment plan­ning based on the dis­cov­ered dis­ease and its com­plex­i­ty includ­ing sur­gi­cal inter­ven­tion and radi­a­tion or chemother­a­py planning.