Fistula Closure

A gas­troin­testi­nal fis­tu­la is an abnor­mal open­ing in the stom­ach or intestines usu­al­ly caused by an injury, surgery, infec­tion or inflam­ma­tion. Flu­ids from your stom­ach or intestines will leak through the open­ing into oth­er parts of your body. Fis­tu­las can some­times close on their own, but when they don’t a Gas­troen­terol­o­gist can use endo­scop­ic pro­ce­dures to close the fis­tu­la in a min­i­mal­ly inva­sive way. Our spe­cial­ists use both the Pad­lock Clip Device and the Over-The-Scope (OTSC) device to close GI fistulas.