Liquid Facelift

A liq­uid facelift is per­formed by using a com­bi­na­tion of injectable fillers such as JUVE­D­ERM®, Radiesse® and Resty­lane® and mus­cle inhibitors such as Botox® Cos­met­ic to min­i­mize or reduce lines, and fill in areas where there is sag­ging or deep creas­es. As a non-sur­gi­cal alter­na­tive to a reg­u­lar facelift, this option is espe­cial­ly effec­tive for indi­vid­u­als who have facial vol­ume loss, crow’s feet, mar­i­onette lines (lines along side of the nose to mouth), or mild sag­ging jowls. A liq­uid facelift will result in a refreshed and reju­ve­nat­ed look, while tak­ing approx­i­mate­ly 15 – 30 min­utes to com­plete. Results typ­i­cal­ly last 3 – 6 months and require lit­tle to no downtime.
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Before & After


52 year old woman who was unhappy with her appearance; Liquid facelift done in the office using Botox, Radiesse, and Juvederm. Liquid Facelift performed by Dr. Danahey.

*Individual results may vary.