Sclerotherapy (vein therapy)

Do you hate when spring and sum­mer rolls around because you are embar­rassed by the spi­der veins on your legs? There is a solu­tion called scle­rother­a­py that can help you get the lux­u­ri­ous legs you’ve always wanted. 

Scle­rother­a­py is the injec­tion of a scle­ros­ing solu­tion (hyper­ton­ic saline, Sotradecol and oth­ers) into the dilat­ed ves­sels to light­en or elim­i­nate the appear­ance of spi­der veins. This injec­tion caus­es the lin­ing of the ves­sels to swell and close result­ing in both a lighter col­or and improve­ment in appear­ance or com­plete dis­ap­pear­ance of the ves­sels. Scle­rother­a­py is per­formed as an out­pa­tient pro­ce­dure with­in our offices.

Before & After


This 32 year old patient unhappy with the appearance of her varicose veins was treated with sclerotherapy by Dr. Alix Charles.

*Individual results may vary.


*individual results may vary

Sclerotherapy (vein therapy)

Alix J. Charles, MD, FAAD

I had bad varicose veins that kept getting bigger every year. I finally decided to have the sclerotherapy treatment and I am so happy I did. The procedure was virtually painless and I got great results. Dr. Charles and his staff were very nice and helpful. I can’t wait to show off my legs at the pool!

Sclerotherapy (vein therapy)

Alix J. Charles, MD, FAAD

Dr. Charles is wonderful. My veins look amazing, I thought I would never be able to wear shorts again! His caring and fun personality makes the experience that much better. The result are much better than I ever thought possible.