Diabetes Support Program

Diabetes Care & Education

7:00pm - 8:00pm
1020 East Ogden Avenue
Naperville, Illinois 60563

Ongo­ing sup­port is essen­tial for suc­cess­ful dia­betes self-man­age­ment. Dia­betes edu­ca­tion is not fin­ished after com­plet­ing a series of class­es. Face-to-face sup­port groups, such as the Dia­betes Sup­port Pro­gram, allow mem­bers to remain con­nect­ed to oth­ers who share sim­i­lar con­cerns and struggles.

The Dia­betes Sup­port Pro­gram includes the fol­low­ing ben­e­fits for attendees:

  • Infor­ma­tion exchange on cur­rent dia­betes research top­ics includ­ing diet, med­ica­tions, exer­cise, stress man­age­ment, foot care, etc.
  • A sense of com­mu­ni­ty. You will engage in moti­vat­ing dis­cus­sions with oth­er peo­ple with dia­betes who want to live health­i­er lives. This can help reduce feel­ings of iso­la­tion, self-doubt and guilt.
  • A way to give back.” By shar­ing your sto­ry, you can help oth­ers who might be going through sim­i­lar struggles.

Dia­betes is a chron­ic dis­ease that is accom­pa­nied by life-long vig­i­lance. The ongo­ing sup­port group pro­vides reli­able infor­ma­tion which can help you sus­tain effec­tive self-care prac­tices. Often, the key to achiev­ing good health with dia­betes is by main­tain­ing a long-term, healthy lifestyle.